Exchanges between Client and Technician on Probe pH Adjustment Client: Hello, I'm having some issues with the pH reading on my probe. Can you help me adjust it? Technician: Of course, I'll be happy to assist you. Let's start by checking the calibration

Contact: Hello, does this probe require a pH adjustment at 7 only or at 7 and 10?

Agent: Hello, let me check if I have the information, otherwise you can find it in your manual.

Contact: The PDF manual is empty.

Contact: The pH regulator manual only mentions 7.

Agent: I confirm based on my information.

Contact: So you confirm that this probe works with a pH calibration at 7 only, is that correct?

Agent: Yes.

Contact: Ok, great, thank you very much.

Agent: Feel free to contact me again! Have a good day.

Contact: Do I need to calibrate the probe or is it ready to use directly?

Agent: No, that's not possible as calibration depends on your device. However, they are measured.

Contact: Ok, noted, thanks again!

Agent: Have a good day.