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Our probes are compatible with regulator:

chlore/redox + ph kronosdpr 602dynamicdynamik
easy basic orpeasy basic pheasy invikta orpeasy invikta ph
easy panel orpeasy panel phevo tpr 603kommander ph
kontrol 800 panel orpkontrol 800 panel phkontrol guard tech orpkontrol guard tech ph
kontrol inviktakontrol invikta double phkontrol invikta double redoxkontrol invikta orp
ph pool sekopool basic double evo phpool basic double evo redoxpoolbasic evo double
poolbasic ledpoolbasic led orppoolbasic pluspoolbasic plus orp
poolbasic pro orppoolbasic pro phpoolbasic pro redoxpooldose
poolkronos 10-20-50poolonepr75pr95 ph/cl
régulateur de ph pool basic evo phseko k800 ph/fclseko ph piscine dynamicseko tpr orp
seko tpr phsonde ph 1,5 m pour pompe sekotechnidosetekba
tekna tpr orptekna tpr phva dos basic orpva dos basic ph
va dos basic ph/orpva dos ecova dos eco orpva dos eco ph
va dos evo orpva dos evo phva dos exact ph/fclva dos exact ph/orp/fcl
va pro salt orpva pro salt ph

Ph and RedOx probes compatible with regulator Séko
pH probe for Pooldose

High quality ph probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH probe + connection cable for replacement on Séko devices

•For Pooldose regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

ORP probe for Pooldose

High quality pH probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH probe + connection cable for replacement on Séko devices

•For Pooldose 

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

pH Probes for va dos eco

High quality pH Probes

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH Probes + connection cable for replacement on Séko devices

•For va dos eco regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

pH Probes for PoolOne

High quality pH Probes

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH Probes + connection cable for replacement on Séko devices

•For PoolOne regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

ORP Probes for PoolOne

High quality ORP Probes

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

ORP Probes + connection cable for replacement on Séko devices

•For  PoolOne 

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

ORP Probes for PR95 pH/Cl

High quality ORP Probes

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

ORP Probes + connection cable for replacement on Séko devices

•For  PR95 pH/Cl 

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

pH Probes for PR95 pH/Cl

High quality pH Probes

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH Probes + connection cable for replacement on Séko devices

•For PR95 pH/Cl regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

pH Probes for PH POOL SEKO

High quality pH Probes

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH Probes + connection cable for replacement on Séko devices

•For PH POOL SEKO regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

pH Probes for DPR 602

High quality pH Probes

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH Probes + connection cable for replacement on Séko devices

•For DPR 602 regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

ORP Probes for DPR 602

High quality ORP Probes

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

ORP Probes + connection cable for replacement on Séko devices

•For  DPR 602 

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

pH Probes for PR75

High quality pH Probes

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH Probes + connection cable for replacement on Séko devices

•For PR75 regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

ORP Probes for PR75

High quality ORP Probes

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

ORP Probes + connection cable for replacement on Séko devices

•For  PR75 

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

Ph probe for régulateur de ph pool basic evo ph

High quality pH probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For Régulateur de pH Pool Basic Evo pH regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

Orp probe for pool basic double evo redox

High quality ORP probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

ORP probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For Pool Basic Double Evo RedOX regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

Ph probe for pool basic double evo ph

High quality pH probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For Pool Basic Double Evo pH regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

Ph probe for poolbasic led

High quality pH probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For PoolBasic LED regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

Orp probe for va pro salt orp

High quality ORP probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

ORP probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For VA PRO SALT ORP regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

Ph probe for poolkronos 10-20-50

High quality pH probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For PoolKronos 10-20-50 regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

Orp probe for chlore/redox + ph kronos

High quality ORP probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

ORP probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For Chlore/Redox + PH Kronos regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

pH Probe for Seko Ph Piscine Dynamic

High quality pH probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For Seko Ph Piscine Dynamic regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

Ph probe for va dos basic ph/orp

High quality pH probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For VA dos BASIC pH/ORP regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

Ph probe for va pro salt ph

High quality pH probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For VA PRO SALT pH regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

Ph probe for sonde ph 1,5 m. pour pompe seko

High quality pH probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For SONDE PH 1,5 M POUR POMPE SEKO regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

Ph probe for poolbasic plus

High quality pH probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For PoolBasic Plus regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

Ph probe for chlore/redox + ph kronos

High quality pH probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For Chlore/Redox + PH Kronos regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

Ph probe for dynamik

High quality pH probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For Dynamik regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

Orp probe for tekna tpr orp

High quality ORP probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

ORP probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For TEKNA TPR ORP regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

Orp probe for va dos basic orp

High quality ORP probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

ORP probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For VA dos BASIC ORP regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

pH Probes for PoolBasic evo Double

High quality pH Probes

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH Probes + connection cable for replacement on Séko devices

•For PoolBasic evo Double regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.

Ph probe for poolbasic pro ph

High quality pH probe

•Extended lifetime thanks to their proven and exclusive technology

•You buy at the right price without any compromise as to quality

pH probe + connection cable for replacement on SEKO devices

•For PoolBasic Pro pH regulator

Moderately priced probe

•No unnecessary intermediaries thanks to our short supply chain

•Pay the right price for logistics thanks to an optimized supply chain

The trademarks used on this website are the property of the manufacturers, the use of these trademarks is for the exclusive purpose of indicating the model for which each part is intended.
