La lecture sur Avady lors du recalibrage de la sonde PH est de 75% - qu'est-ce que cela signifie? Excuses pour le français, je viens du Royaume-Uni.
Technical Advisor:
We can in English as well! Nothing don't worry about that! If you have any about your probes do that
Hi and thank you for English. My probe is an existing Avady AYAC08AC01 PH probe - 2 years old. I've re-calibrated it 3 times and the readout from my dosing unit is showing just 75%. Does this mean the electrode is needing replacement? My PH readings are between 8.1 and 8.6. Should I replace it? Thank you. Gary
Technical Advisor:
In french now! C'est très probable.
Sacrebleu, English now - I'll buy a new one from you. 80mm long - which reference please. Much appreciated. Gary
Technical Advisor:
My God! Une seconde
Or in English?
Parfait, merci beaucoup, et