Search for High-Quality pH and Redox Probes for Pools: Dialogue between Customer and Technical Advisor

Hello, we are a Belgian company specializing in pools and basins. I am looking for high-quality pH and redox probes. Can you provide me with references for superior quality pH and redox probes? Currently, I am working on an Astralpool installation with a panel that has 2 blue micro-injectors. Are there probes with a gold tip? Are they more reliable even if it's not electrolysis? The original probes from Astralpool are terrible.

Technical Advisor:
Hello, gold tips are sometimes present on certain devices but not on the pH RX panel.

Is it more reliable, even if it's not salt? The client doesn't care about the cost of the probe. The redox goes up to 820 and I have 0.5 mgl of chlorine (with a photometer). No matter how much I clean (with hydrochloric acid) and calibrate, it keeps drifting (ground pool issue).

Technical Advisor:
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