Buying and Installation Guide for the Zodiac Expert W500709 Chlorine Probe

I am looking for a probe for the Zodiac Chlor Expert. Ref-W500709.
This probe is indicated for pH... but I need it for chlorine!!!!
Are you sure this probe is the right one for me?
Best regards,

This probe is a redox (chlorine) probe "RedOX Probe for Chlor Expert", so it is the correct one!

I have a doubt because you have another one, ref EQUI2-1608 for 85 euros to replace Zodiac W013047!!!!!
Can you explain this to me??

You are looking for the W500709.

W500709 is the reference of my device.

Can you give me your email, I need to check the parameters of both probes.

My device is:
Zodiac Chlor Expert W500709 from 2014. Barcode 3478585007092

Your email please, I will check if it is compatible.
I will reply within an hour.

Thank you, see you soon.

Thank you for the response. The probe is installed and the filtration is running but I know it is a short probe. 80 MM.
What length do they have?

These probes have a total length of 150 mm.