2862 Artiklar
Compatibility confirmed: Your device is compatible with the REGULUS.
Publicerat: 2023-09-26 | Kategorier: Frågor om RedOX-sondernaIn this interaction, a customer inquires about the compatibility of their device with the REGULUS regulator. The technical advisor confirms that the device is compatible with this regulator. The [...]
Customer-Advisor Exchange: Clarification on Compatibility and Quality of a Regul
Publicerat: 2023-09-26 | Kategorier: Frågor om RedOX-sondernaThis article presents a dialogue between a customer and a technical advisor regarding a probe. The customer questions the advisor about the dimensions of the probe, who confirms that the total [...]
Successful customer communication: Order process clarity thanks to email respons
Publicerat: 2023-09-26 | Kategorier: Frågor om RedOX-sondernaThis article is about successful communication between a customer and a technical advisor. The customer expresses gratitude for a received email response and indicates that they now know what to [...]
Command Error Management: Client-Advisor Interaction for Probe Return
Publicerat: 2023-09-26 | Kategorier: Frågor om RedOX-sondernaThis exchange between a customer and a technical advisor concerns an order error of an EMEC 220AU probe instead of a PH220. The customer is requesting the procedure for returning the probe. The [...]
Technical Support for the Selection of Probes and Calibration Solutions for Zodi
Publicerat: 2023-09-26 | Kategorier: Frågor om RedOX-sondernaIn this conversation, a customer is looking for two probes for their Zodiac device. The technical advisor asks for details about the controller and a photo of the current probe. Following that, [...]
Customer service and technical advice for the purchase of a pH probe for Zodiac
Publicerat: 2023-09-26 | Kategorier: Frågor om RedOX-sondernaA customer inquires about the availability and cost of a pH probe for Zodiac Tri Pro. The technical advisor confirms that the product is available and costs 81 euros. The link to the product is [...]
Payment by bank transfer: Dialogue between customer and technical advisor
Publicerat: 2023-09-26 | Kategorier: Frågor om RedOX-sondernaIn the HTML dialogue between a customer and a technical advisor, the topic is about the payment methods of a company. The customer has chosen to pay by bank transfer and asks if they can pay [...]
Exchange between Client and Advisor: Choice of pH Values and Use of Technical Ma
Publicerat: 2023-09-26 | Kategorier: Frågor om RedOX-sondernaThis article presents a dialogue between a customer and a technical advisor. The customer asks a question about the choice of pH 7 and 10 instead of 7 and 4. The technical advisor responds that [...]