2862 artykuły
Calibration of a Redox Probe for EES PRO with a 650 mV ORP Solution: Guide and C
Opublikowany : 2023-10-04 | Kategorie : Pytania dotyczące sond RedOXThis exchange between a customer and a technical advisor concerns the calibration of a redox probe for EES PRO. The customer asks if the calibration can be done with a 650 mV ORP solution. The [...]
Compatibility of Zodiac Tri Pro 18 probes: Exchanges between Customer and Techni
Opublikowany : 2023-10-04 | Kategorie : Pytania dotyczące sond RedOXIn this exchange, a customer is inquiring about the compatibility of certain probes with a Zodiac Tri Pro 18. The agent confirms that the probe in question is compatible with the Zodiac Tri Pro [...]
Sonde Calibration Guide with Aquaprimo Device: Client-Technical Advisor Dialogue
Opublikowany : 2023-10-04 | Kategorie : Pytania dotyczące sond RedOXThis article is a conversation between a customer and a technical advisor. The customer is inquiring about how to calibrate their probe with an Aquaprimo device. The technical advisor responds [...]
Choosing the Correct pH Probe for a Zodiac Tri Pro 18: Accurate Guide and Helpfu
Opublikowany : 2023-10-04 | Kategorie : Pytania dotyczące sond RedOXA customer is inquiring about the appropriate pH probe for a Zodiac tri pro 18. The technical advisor requests to see a photo of the current probe to determine the suitable version. The customer [...]
Redox-Chip for Albixon: Compatibility with the Redox probe.
Opublikowany : 2023-10-03 | Kategorie : Pytania dotyczące sond RedOXIn this exchange between the customer and the technician, the compatibility of Redox chips with Albixon is being discussed. The customer asks if there is a Redox chip for Albixon that is [...]
Customer Service Guide: Return Process and Technical Support at PH-Redox-Pool
Opublikowany : 2023-10-03 | Kategorie : Pytania dotyczące sond RedOXThe customer inquires about the possibility of returning an order if they encounter any issues with it. The technical advisor confirms that it is possible and asks the customer to send an email [...]
Calibration of the pH Probe for DIGI PH AQUALY: Guide and Practical Tips
Opublikowany : 2023-10-03 | Kategorie : Pytania dotyczące sond RedOXA customer is wondering about the calibration of the pH probe for the DIGI PH AQUALY from CORELEC. The technical advisor explains that the calibration depends on the device and the probe, and [...]
Customer-Advisor Exchange: Choosing the Right pH Probe for a Magiline Pool
Opublikowany : 2023-10-03 | Kategorie : Pytania dotyczące sond RedOXIn a conversation between a customer and a technical advisor, the customer is looking to replace their 601500 probe for their Magiline pool. The advisor suggests a pH probe on the website [...]