2862 artikler
Dealer offers for probes for the Aseko systems - A dialogue
Udgivet : 2023-09-28 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneIn this dialogue, a customer is looking for a good dealer offer for probes for the Aseko systems. The advisor responds with a website (www.example.com) as a possible source for the desired [...]
Identification and Replacement Guide for the pH Probe for a ZODIAC PH EXPERT Dev
Udgivet : 2023-09-28 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneA customer is looking to replace the pH probe of their 2017 ZODIAC pH EXPERT device. After consulting the seller's website, they are undecided between two compatible references. The technical [...]
Finding the Correct Calibration Solution for Zodiac Tri pH: A Client-Advisor Int
Udgivet : 2023-09-28 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneThe article is a conversation between a client and a technical advisor. The client inquires about the correct calibration solution for Zodiac Tri pH. The technical advisor responds by providing [...]
PH Probe Replacement for Bio-UV Regulator: Assistance Guide and Payment Troubles
Udgivet : 2023-09-28 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneIn this exchange, a customer is looking to replace the pH probe of their Bio-UV regulator. The technical advisor confirms the compatibility of the probe with the reference PH-1-3-0195. However, [...]
Consulting for the selection of pH and Redox probes for PoolBasic ProEVO.
Udgivet : 2023-09-28 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneA customer is looking for pH and Redox probes for their "PoolBasic ProEVO" controller. The technical advisor refers the customer to two websites where they can find these probes. The customer [...]
Assistance Guide for Replacing the Zodiac Electrolyzer's ACL Probe If you need
Udgivet : 2023-09-28 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneThe article presents an HTML dialogue between a client and a technical advisor. The client expresses their wish to replace the ACL probe of their TRI pro ZODIAC electrolyzer acquired in 2017. [...]
Troubleshooting with Aquarite Pro: Technical Support Guide
Udgivet : 2023-09-28 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneI will help you solve this problem. Summary: A customer contacted a technical advisor because their Aquarite Pro was indicating "chlorination stop" and a salt level of 0.2. The advisor asked [...]
Customer Service: pH probe exchange for XSEL electrolyzer under warranty.
Udgivet : 2023-09-28 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneA customer asked if a certain PH probe is compatible with an XSEL electrolyzer from Régul électronique. The technical advisor clarified that the PH probe mentioned by the customer is not c [...]