2862 artikler
Efficient customer service: Resolving a pH and Redox probe issue.
Udgivet : 2023-09-23 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneThe client is experiencing a leakage issue with their pH and redox probes. The technical advisor has committed to sending 2 washers and provided advice on how to test the probes.
Finding the Perfect REDOX Probe for Your Hydro Touch Setup: A Buying Guide
Udgivet : 2023-09-23 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneClient is looking for a REDOX probe for Hydro touch. Advisor suggests a compatible model with included warranty. Online ordering is possible, with delivery within 4 days.
Solving problems with the Astralpool pump: Guide to replace the pH probe.
Udgivet : 2023-09-23 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneCustomer is looking for a spare part for an Astralpool pump. Technical advisor verifies and suggests a link for the product. Customer expresses gratitude.
Troubleshooting Guide for a Defective pH Probe on the Zodiac Tri Pro Controller
Udgivet : 2023-09-23 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneClient with broken pH probe, sends photos for identification. Agent suggests test and provides link for purchase if needed. Probe confirmed broken, client places order.
Exchange between Olivier and Laurent: Redox level adjustment on a Bayrol device.
Udgivet : 2023-09-23 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneLaurent asks Olivier to adjust the Redox level on a Bayrol device. Olivier recommends setting it between 650 and 700 mV.
Choosing the Correct RX Probe for the AstralPool MP1SRX Pump: Expert Advice
Udgivet : 2023-09-23 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneClient is looking to replace RX probe on Astralpool MP1SRX pump. Advisor confirms the choice and provides the purchase link.
Package returned to sender: address errors and possible solutions.
Udgivet : 2023-09-23 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneKelly Cathy did not receive her package 3SDOKC1582908 due to an alleged incorrect address. She is requesting a resend or a refund.
Customer-Advisor Interaction: Research and Discovery of Probe H035-BSV01
Udgivet : 2023-09-23 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneThe customer is requesting H035-BSV01 probes. The technical advisor provides a link for purchase. The customer expresses gratitude.