Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderne
2862 artikler i kategorien: Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderne
Customer service and technical support for product returns.
Udgivet : 2023-10-06 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneThe customer would like to get in touch in order to return an item and is referred to the website www.return.de. The technical advisor confirms that the item can be returned through their return [...]
Technical Troubleshooting: The red ruler box and the white deposit.
Udgivet : 2023-10-06 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneThis article discusses an interaction between a customer and a technical support agent. The customer is experiencing a problem with their device, which constantly displays a red light. The agent [...]
Customer-Advisor Exchange: How to calibrate a pH probe for Astral Pool? Note: "
Udgivet : 2023-10-06 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneA customer asks how to calibrate their pH probe and what liquid to use. The technical advisor asks if they have a CCEI system, a question the customer does not understand. The technician advises [...]
Calibrating a pH probe: Tips and exchanges between a customer and a technical ad
Udgivet : 2023-10-06 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneA customer inquires about calibrating their pH probe and asks which liquid to use between pH7 and pH9. The technical advisor suggests consulting the manual for their equipment and asks about the [...]
Choosing the right RedOx probe for your Aquarite LT: Tips and Differences
Udgivet : 2023-10-06 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneIn this exchange, the customer is inquiring about the compatibility of a redox probe with the Aquarite LT. The technical advisor confirms this compatibility and provides a link to the product. [...]
Choose the Right Redox Probe for Your Aquarite LT: Comparison and Installation T
Udgivet : 2023-10-06 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneThe article is a conversation between a customer and a customer service agent about the compatibility of the RedOx probe with the Aquarite LT. The customer wants to understand the difference [...]
Calibration and Probe Reassembly Guide: Technical Tips and Solutions
Udgivet : 2023-10-06 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneA customer is having trouble retracting their probe after calibrating it. They are wondering where to position a small plastic cylinder and two small seals. The technical advisor suspects a [...]
Assistance Guide for Recalibration and Assembly of a Probe
Udgivet : 2023-10-06 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneIn this exchange between a customer and a technician, the customer is having difficulties properly reassembling their probe after calibration. The technician suggests a possible probe holder [...]