2862 artikler
Research and Technical Support for ORP Redox Probe 00.043.012
Udgivet : 2023-09-28 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneA customer is looking for a ORP Redox probe 00.043.012. The technical advisor suggests a model available on their website. The customer specifies that it is for a HHSS Pro Max 35. The advisor [...]
Compatible pH and Redox probes for Oxilife: Technical support and payment method
Udgivet : 2023-09-28 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneA customer inquires about compatible pH and Redox probes for their Oxilife system. The technical advisor recommends two specific products and confirms their compatibility. They also offer a [...]
Technical assistance for the replacement of a probe and buffer bottle for AVADY
Udgivet : 2023-09-28 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneA customer contacted a technical advisor for information on specific products for their AVADY Star 20 pH dosing pump, which was purchased in June 2021. They wanted to replace the probe electrode [...]
Calibration of a redox probe: Use of water as a neutral solution
Udgivet : 2023-09-28 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneA customer wants to calibrate a redox probe and needs a neutral solution, which they cannot find in the supplier's range. The advisor clarifies that for the neutral solution used for cleaning, [...]
Troubleshooting Pool Probe Compatibility and Calibration Issues: A Client-Adviso
Udgivet : 2023-09-28 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneThe client is asking about the compatibility of a probe they recently saw with their system. They mention that their current probe consistently shows readings above the scale and they are unable [...]
Plastic or glass: Which pH probe is better for the Hydrolife?
Udgivet : 2023-09-28 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneA customer is asking about the right material for a defective pH probe for the Hydrolife. They are unsure whether to choose a model made of plastic or glass, as both models have a durability of [...]
Finding the Ideal Redox Probe for Your Pool Chlorine Regulator: Buying Guide
Udgivet : 2023-09-28 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneA customer is looking for a Redox probe for the chlorine in their pool, compatible with a dosing pump. The technical advisor asks about the regulator being used, which turns out to be an Astral [...]
Compatibility of the probe with the Irripool PH controller: Tips from an Expert
Udgivet : 2023-09-28 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneA customer asked if a probe is compatible with an irripool pH controller. The technical advisor responded by asking for a moment to check. He then provided a link to a pH probe for irripool [...]