2862 artikler
Compatibility and Orders of Reference ORP-1-3-3475 with the DOM-24 Salt Chlorina
Udgivet : 2023-10-04 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneThe customer inquires about the compatibility of the ORP-1-3-3475 reference with the dom-24 salt chlorinator. The technical advisor confirms the compatibility and provides a link to the [...]
Availability of flexible suction hoses for Seko system: response from the techni
Udgivet : 2023-10-04 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneIn a series of exchanges between a customer and a technical advisor, the customer asks if the company sells small flexible suction hoses for chlorine or pH intended for a Seko system. [...]
How to efficiently check and calibrate your pH probe?
Udgivet : 2023-10-04 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneThe article presents a conversation between a customer and a technical advisor. The customer asks how to check if a probe is functioning and how to calibrate it. The advisor asks if the probe in [...]
Exploring the Compatibility of Your Probe with EMEC Model SCL 18/2
Udgivet : 2023-10-04 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneThis document contains an exchange between a client and a technical advisor. The client inquires if their probe can replace the EMEC model SCL 18/2 probe. The technical advisor requests for the [...]
Research and Finding of a UV Bio Pool PH Probe: Customer-Advisor Dialogue
Udgivet : 2023-10-04 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneA customer is looking for a pH probe for bio UV for their pool. After clarifying the type of regulator they have, which is a Combipool, the technical advisor suggests a corresponding product [...]
Customer-Advisor Interactions: Product Clarifications and Email Corrections
Udgivet : 2023-10-04 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneThis article presents a series of questions asked by a customer to a technical advisor. The customer is particularly concerned about the contents of a shipment, wondering if a cable is included [...]
Customer-Advisor Exchange: Confirmation and Details on the Probe for Evo+ Pleas
Udgivet : 2023-10-04 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneIn a conversation between a customer and a technical advisor, the customer inquires about the compatibility of a probe with a product called "evo+". The advisor confirms that the probe is indeed [...]
Addressing Customer Concerns: A Dialogue on Delayed Delivery Resolution
Udgivet : 2023-10-04 | kategorier : Spørgsmålene om RedOX-sonderneThe client is experiencing a problem with an undelivered order, which was shipped over two weeks ago. The technical advisor acknowledges the issue and promises to investigate it further, [...]